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The Perfect Planter for Growing Tomatoes

Tomatoes growing in an EarthBox tomato planter

Ah, tomatoes. Those vibrant and tangy delights bring gardens to life and elevate any dish they grace. Growing them, however, isn’t just about popping a seed into the soil.

The magic often lies in the choice of your planter. So, if you're venturing into the world of tomato cultivation or aiming to up your game, this guide is for you.

Tomatoes Like Planting Boxes with Space

Tomatoes aren't like your hardy succulents that can weather almost any container. No. Tomatoes have a deep-reaching root system. And that means your planter must provide adequate room for that system to grow. That applies to its width and depth.

The size of the gardening container also impacts how frequently you'll need to water. The smaller the container, the more regularly you'll have to water your tomato plants.

The benchmark for the perfect tomato planter starts at 18 inches in diameter. You'll want to target 10 gallons of soil. That will easily house determinate tomato varieties.

However, it's a good idea to bump to a 24-inch diameter with indeterminate tomato varieties. You'll also want to target 20 gallons of soil.

Fill Your Tomato Planter with Quality Potting Mix

You can select the perfect size for your tomato planter. But it won't matter unless you fill it with a high-quality potting soil.

Tomatoes are like gourmet diners. They want well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. While you're investing time and money into the perfect planter, don’t skimp on the soil.

Although we suggest using quality soil, you want a soilless potting mix for tomato gardening boxes. It needs to be light for air, water, and nutrient flow. So, it must include items like perlite, vermiculite, peat moss, etc.

Ideally, sphagnum peat moss is a core ingredient. It holds water to keep your soil mixture moist throughout. That means better moisture for your plants to help them flourish. It also means less watering requirements for you.

Tomato Planter Box Options

It's tempting to grab the first planter you see, thinking it will be fine. For example, terra cotta plants look natural, fit most any decor, and are readily available at garden centers.

But they dry out quickly as air and water move through them easily. Additionally, they're prone to cracking, so you'll replace them more often.

Wooden planters have an old-school charm. There's no question their rustic appeal makes gardens feel a tad bit more connected to nature.

But you must be wary of chemicals, as many receive treatments to improve their longevity. Those chemicals can leach into the soil and defeat a quest for organic gardening.

If you aren't concerned with aesthetics, grab a five-gallon bucket. It will easily hold determinate varieties. Just punch holes in the bottom for drainage.

The Best Material for Tomato Planters

The most practical solution for growing tomatoes is good, old plastic. It's practical and inexpensive compared to other planters.

They're lightweight champions that won’t break the bank or your back when moving them around. Some plastic planters are available with a garden stand to make things even more accessible.

Plastic withstands temperature extremes. So you won't face cracking issues like terra cotta. That means fewer worries about replacing your planting boxes.

Even more importantly, plastic retains moisture, which means less watering.

One caution: it's best to avoid black plastic gardening containers. Black absorbs and retains heat from the sun. It then pushes that heat into the soil, which can damage roots.

Invest in a Self-Watering Gardening Box for Tomatoes

Another advantage of plastic planting boxes is that many have self-watering features. For example, EarthBox tomato planters include a patented sub-irrigated growing system that outperforms traditional in-ground gardening.

Sub-irrigated planters (SIPs) introduce water from the bottom of the container. The tomato plants absorb the water through capillary action. You add water to the container with a fill tube.

Self-watering garden boxes lack the drainage holes of typical planters. Instead, the planter's bottom reservoir maintains a ready water supply to help plants grow.

One of the biggest concerns of plant care is too much or too little water. SIP planters eliminate that concern. You can leave briefly and be confident that your plants will receive enough water to grow well.

The Perfect Tomato Planter Includes a Staking System

If you grow tomatoes, you'll need a trellis or staking system. Tomato plants have a lot of sprawl that needs control. Apart from controlling the plant, trellises have other benefits:

  • They allow more sunlight to reach the plant.
  • They reduce exposure to fungal diseases.
  • Plants receive better air circulation.
  • Your plants stay off the ground where they face exposure to insects and disease.
  • Trellises keep things looking neater.

If your tomato planter doesn't have one, you must buy one separately. Conversely, companies like EarthBox include a trellis with their planters for tomatoes. So you'll have what you need from the get-go.

EarthBox: The Perfect Planter for Tomatoes

To get the best tomato planter, know one name – EarthBox. Its container gardening system has been the top-rated and most trusted since 1994.

To make its tomato planter even more perfect, EarthBox features a tomato growing kit. It includes:

  • Tomato planter
  • Staking system
  • Casters
  • Organic potting mix
  • Fertilizer

Everything you need to grow luscious tomatoes anywhere. You’ll even get a satisfaction guarantee.


M ↓   Markdown
0 points
10 months ago

If I plant a blueberry bush in the Root and Veg Earthbox, what is the method and schedule to replenish fertilizer? What about replacing the plastic cap as it inevitably wears out? How would one do this without disturbing the plant too much or making a huge hole in the next plastic cap to fit down over the bush?

I’d love to also know the same for planting blackberry bushes in the EarthBox Original?

0 points
10 months ago

You'd follow our instructions for the initial set up, except do not add dolomite to the blueberry bush. When you have to replace the cover, the only way for these plants is to create a big hole in the cover and then tape it back up after you have it in place. We'd recommend adding another pound of our 7-7-7 fertilizer (or another equivalent, slow-release fertilizer) every 3-4 months. That generally lasts 1 growing season, which for the majority of crops grown in the EarthBox is no more than 120 days. Blueberries and blackberries are one of the few perennials that can be successfully grown in the EarthBox.

0 points
15 months ago

Which size is best for blueberries the orginal size? Or the deep root n veggie size?

Can nursery recommended acidic soil/ Azelia soil be used in earthboxes for blueberries?

0 points
15 months ago

You can grow blueberries in either of those EarthBox sizes, though we recommend the Root & Veg since its depth is more conducive to the plant. You can forgo using dolomite with blueberries, but ensure the pH is somewhere between 4.5-5.5. We still recommend following our growing media recommendations listed here:

0 points
3 years ago

I have my SEASCAPE Day-neutral strawberry seeds in hand. These will be planted indoors, in a grow tent, under LED quantum panels in the EarthBox. I have never planted strawberries of any kind, so Im eager to get this party started. Will provide updates. Too bad we can't attach pics.


0 points
3 years ago

NEWS FLASH from Kbore about Seascape seeds: Hybrid strawberry seeds are NOT true to the variety, if they sprout at all. I may have seascape seeds in hand (rip-off) but they will not produce the same plant as the seed donor. To grow the true variety, you must have live/ dormant plant starts from that variety.

On the subject of plant starts, it's too hot to ship live plants in the middle of July (in Zone 6A where I live), so don't expect to buy strawberry seedlings mail-order: It's not going to happen.

Looks like mid-September-ish for me. As the late Tom Petty wrote: " Waiting is the hardest part".


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