Box Gardening: 7 Time-Saving tips
Box gardening can save homeowners tight on space, turning patios and balconies into productive green patches. It offers a practical solution for homeowners with limited yard space.
But what about time? Sure, you might like to grow fresh produce, but what if you only have a little free time? After all, if you lead a busy life, you want to avoid having it all consumed tending to vegetable plants. There are only 24 hours a day, and you don't want to devote much of it to plant care.
The good news is that you can have your cake and eat it too. We have seven box gardening tips designed to manage your time. But that still gives you the luxury of homegrown tomatoes, fresh vegetables, and herbs.
Tip #1: Choosing the Right Gardening Boxes
One of the most overlooked yet critical decisions in gardening is selecting the correct gardening container.
Selecting the correct planting box offers several benefits. It can save you time and contribute to your plant's health. So before planting, invest some time in your gardening box selection. You'll save countless hours in the long run.
Here are some things to look for:
Container Size: Smaller containers dry out faster. But larger gardening boxes hold more soil, which retains moisture longer. This is especially important for thirsty plants like tomatoes or cucumbers. Generally, using larger versus smaller tomato planters is a good idea.
Moreover, the deeper the ground, the better the root system, leading to healthier plants. And that means less worry for you.
Self-Watering Planters: In addition to the container's size, opt for one that offers self-watering. For example, EarthBox gardening boxes use sub-irrigation. Its fill tube lets you add water to the reservoir where plant roots will access it as needed.
That ensures you don't overwater or underwater your plants. Plus, it reduces the time you spend watering your plants -- instant time-saver!
Tip #2: Opt for Low-Maintenance Plants
One of the keys to a thriving garden without the daily commitment lies in selecting the right plants. Low-maintenance plants are a boon for busy gardeners.
Hardy plant varieties require less watering and fewer nutrients. They're also often resistant to common pests and diseases.
For example, if you grow tomatoes, use determinate varieties like cherry tomatoes that require less pruning and support. They're typically smaller and bushier than indeterminate varieties like heirloom tomatoes. Heirlooms demand time for staking and occasionally pruning to support their sprawling habit.
Other great low-maintenance options include:
- Greens: Plants like kale, chard, and spinach are low maintenance. They increase and aren't overly picky about their environment.
- Herbs: Perennial herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, and oregano, can be a busy homeowner's best friend. The other advantage to many herbs is that they'll return the following year. So that saves you from replanting.
- Veggies: We mentioned tomato plants like cherry tomatoes. But other veggies like bush beans, carrots, and beets offer plentiful harvests without demanding too much attention.
Tip #3: Smart Watering Techniques
Water is the lifeblood of any container garden. But how, when, and how much water can often be a head-scratcher for gardeners.
Too much water can be as detrimental as too little, and both can sap the vitality of your plants. Thankfully, there are some clever ways to ensure your plants get sufficient water. And they'll eliminate constant guesswork and wasting time.
We already mentioned using sub-irrigated planters. But here are some other options for handling the important task of watering:
Drip Irrigation: The process involves dripping water onto the soil at meager rates (2-20 liters/hour). The water comes from a system of small-diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers. You'll spend some time putting the system in place. But you'll save countless hours afterward while ensuring your plants get suitable water.
Mulching: Mulch reduces the amount of water that evaporates from your soil. And that dramatically reduces your need to water your plants. It also delivers nutrients to the soil. Plus, it improves the soil's ability to hold water, saving time.
You can also use mulch covers. For example, EarthBox offers mulch covers with its planting boxes.
Scheduling: Get into a morning routine of watering plants. If that doesn't work, take care of the task early in the evening. It might not save you time, but it will help you manage your time. Morning and evening are also the best times for watering.
Tip #4: Self-Sustaining Potting Mix
Soil is more than just dirt; it's the bedrock of every garden. A well-composed potting mix does wonders beyond just supporting plant roots. It consistently feeds your plants while regulating moisture.
So before planting, invest the time to create a self-sustaining potting mix. Combine organic potting soil with compost for a nutrient-dense combination. As the organic matter decomposes in the planting box, it will keep feeding your plants.
Include a slow-release fertilizer in the mix. The granules break down over time to supply your plants with steady nutrition. The better your potting mix and the more nutrient dense it is, the less time you'll spend fertilizing your container garden.
You can also opt for planting kits that provide everything you need. You'll save time shopping for all the necessary items. Kits include a planting box, fertilizer, soil, etc. You'll have the assurance that your soil mixture is appropriate for your needs.
Tip #5: Pest Prevention Over Pest Cure
Every gardener, at some point, faces pest concerns. They can turn your hours of work and care into a buffet for these unwelcome guests.
Treating an infestation can be time-consuming and an often-recurring battle. So take the time upfront with preventive measures instead of having an ongoing fight that saps time.
Here are some container gardening tips to minimize the potential of pests:
- Pest Resistant Varieties
Select plants with built-in pest resistance to reduce concerns later. - Companion planting
Some plants naturally repel pests. Others attract beneficial bugs that help control pests. For instance, planting marigolds near tomatoes can deter nematodes.
So tempt beneficial bugs into your garden—plant flowers they like, such as cosmos, sweet alyssum, dill, yarrow, etc. - Interplanting
You can fool pests from overtaking your box garden with interplanting. It confuses pests because they'll find it harder to home in on their preferred crop. - Plant Stands
Getting planting boxes off the ground reduces problems with slugs and other soil-dwelling pests. Plant stands also save you from breaking your back tending to plants. - Barriers
Protective mesh stops pests from getting near your hard-won crops. Allow covers to rest on the plants or support them on hoops. Best of all, you'll eliminate daily interventions keeping the pests at bay.
Tip #6: Companion Planting
We mentioned this briefly earlier, but you can make plant care more efficient and save time with companion planting. It involves segmenting plants that grow with similar needs together. So grow plants with identical sunlight requirements, watering needs, and maturity heights together.
For instance, place planting boxes with drought-tolerant herbs like rosemary, thyme, and oregano in a dedicated section. Conversely, put gardening boxes with moisture-loving greens like lettuce and spinach in another.
The same holds for light requirements. Create a section for plants needing full sun in one area and those needing part sun in another.
So when it's time to water or fertilize, you can cater to an entire group's needs in one sweep. This placement ensures that each plant receives optimal care. And it reduces the time spent tending to individual plant needs.
Tip #7: Quick Check-ins
A brief daily or weekly check can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems that drain your time. So spend a few moments looking over your plants. Check their leaf color for early signs of disease or pests. That small time investment can save you hours in the long run.
Save Time with EarthBox Planter Box Kits
EarthBox is a leader in space-saving box gardening products designed for your success. Their planter box kits cost only $64 but come with everything you need:
- Planter Box
- Aeration Screen
- Water Fill Tub
- Mulch Covers
- Fertilizer
- Dolomite
- Casters
Add a quality potting mix, select the plants you want to grow, and enjoy your container garden.
Best of all, the company's products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Someone suggested that pouring a cup of bleach over the potting mix or into the reservoir at the end of the growing season might be beneficial. Any thoughts on this?
I have a soil recipe I use in my boxes for tomatoes. This includes, equal parts of peat moss, topsoil and potting mix. Also, I mix blood meal and bone meal with iron, gypsum, plant tone and a 8-8-8 fertilizer. Lastly the dolomite with liquid cal. Thanks for the watering tip.
Just a warning -- that "cure" for BER using pickling lime almost killed all my earthbox plants last year. The VERY next day they were wilted and sickly. I'm surprised they even bounced back. I followed the directions exactly. Perhaps that recipe is too strong. I was growing Brandy Boy. Finally, it did NOTHING to stop BER, however I did not try to calcium nitrate.
Hello Lee, thank you for your feedback and we're sorry to hear you almost lost your crop. We would love to learn more about the problem you experienced, so we encourage you to please call or email our Consumer Service Team so we can try to understand a bit more about this issue you experienced. We can be reached Mon.-Fri. 8:30a-4:30p ET at 1-800-4GARDEN if you would like to speak with someone in our office. Thank you!
Too late for us this year. Better Boy, Zebra, and sweet peppers all have BER. Only Sun Golds have been harvested. Better luck next year, now that we know.
Aww...that's too bad, Marylyn. We hope you try again next season and have better success with your tomatoes the second time around!
Hi! Am loving the earth boxes, but my tomatoes have BER. If I put clean egg shells in the water reservoir, would that help?
Hi Karen, if you want to use eggshells in an EarthBox, we recommend that you dehydrate them and then grind them into a fine powder. They can then be added to the soil alongside the dolomite. We do not recommend that eggshells be put into the water reservoir as they do not break down quick enough to supplement the soil in any meaningful way. We offer a calcium nitrate packet that can be added to the water reservoir weekly that does help prevent BER. You can purchase that as part of our Tomato Replant Kit -
Any other ways to treat BER? My two tomatoes have morphed into an octopus of branches covering the patio and I can't possibly dump the earthbox. Also, any alternatives to Pickling Lime? Doubt I can find this during the Pandemic. And should I fertilize with again/regularly since I am growing many more tomatoes than expected?
I started adding a liquid concentrate of Calcium/Magnesium (10ml) once a week down the water tube and I only had a few tomatoes with BER from my 6 boxes. I also installed your watering system this past year and had the best harvest I have every had. The constant water paid off.
Hi, I’ve planted Armenian cukes for the past two years in my earthboxes, two plants side by side. Numerous flowers appear but never any fruit. They are outside so pollinators have access. We even rent mason and leaf cutter bees every year to help. Any thoughts on how I can get fruit to develop?
As a master gardener, I was taught that nightshade crops, particularly tomatoes, need to be rotated and not planted in the same soil year after year. Are you saying that this is not necessary with the Earthbox system, and that the same soil is safe to plant nightshade crops for up to 10 seasons?
That's correct. You should be reusing the soil season after season unless you have a confirmed plant disease like blight.
I've heard that dropping a Tums into the watering tube occasionally can also help prevent BER. Would love to know what your advice is on this, and if others have had success with this cheap and easy method?
Barbara, you would need to add something like 275 Tums to equal just setting up using the correct amount of dolomite
On my better boy tomatoes, looks like one or two small tomatoes are developing blossom end rot, the others are not. Planning n adding calcium to the boxes today, but should I pluck off the small ones that appear to be developing blossom end rot?
Hi Kathy, Any tomatoes that have Blossom End Rot (BER) should be picked and discarded as soon as possible. Picking off the affected tomatoes as soon as possible will allow the plant to put energy into producing more flowers and fruit. Be sure to add 1 teaspoon of Calcium Nitrate to the water reservoir one time each week to help prevent BER.
Where do purchase calcium nitrate and all I could find is Bonide Rot Stop.
Your local garden center should have some, or you can also buy it from us by calling 800-442-7336.
I have used the earth box planting mixture.. Bought the refertilizer packs... I followed instructions to a tee.. but my zucchini have big leaves and my zucchini get about 2-3 inches long and rot off... not sure what is happening. Can you tell me what is wrong?
Hello Sharon, thank you for your question. The problem you are describing with your zucchini plant is lack of fertilization. Basically, your female squash flowers (the ones with the tiny zucchini fruits behind the blossom) are not being pollinated. The fruit will only grow so much and then it begins to rot if the flower did not receive pollen from the male flowers (the flowers without the fruit and with just a straight stem behind the blossom). You can pick the male flowers and manually pollinate the females if you do not have any bees, butterflies, or other pollinators in your area, which will allow the tiny fruits to "set" and mature into full-size.
Don't you mean "lack of pollination" rather than "lack of fertilization"?
How do I apply rot stop (Calcium 9.2% solution to earth box container to prevent blossom end rot. My plants are small now. Two in one earth box. Thank you
Hi Laura, Bonide Rot Stop is a foliar spray. Directions on their label state to "apply to the point of run-off onto the foliage and fruit during periods of rapid growth or following excessive rain fall." We advise you apply this in the evenings when temperatures are lower to avoid foliage burn. They do not recommend using this regularly, as it can cause leaves to burn if used more often than every 7 days.
I had a bad time with BER a few years back and started adding calcium nitrate once a week. Since then I’ve started adding it before it starts and so far so good. I was reading and noticed that I should reuse the soil every year, I haven’t been doing this but I’m really glad I don’t have to empty the boxes and buy new soil every year 😮. This year I got mixed up and have been adding it to tomatoes and squash, not peppers. Now I have quite a few peppers to remove.. 😐. I’m at the age where I have to learn things over lol Julien Bowles